Dave Edwards

Dave Edwards

Dave Edwards is a Co-Founder of Artificiality. He previously co-founded Intelligentsia.ai (acquired by Atlantic Media) and worked at Apple, CRV, Macromedia, Morgan Stanley, and Quartz.

205 articles (Page 5)
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Context is Everything in Generative AI

There is a lot of chatter about whether companies are realizing value from generative AI. Realizing value from generative AI will take time to prepare, capture, and create the data that allows generative AI to understand the context of our complex human lives.

An abstract image of a courthouse

Trust vs. Anti-Trust

I agree with the government that antitrust is important. That said, I would hate to see data privacy and security diminished just as we are trying to take advantage of AI’s power to be a personalized digital partner.

Charter Pro: Making Decisions with Generative AI.


Artificiality Co-founders, Helen and Dave Edwards, will be speaking on Making Decisions with Generative AI with our friends at Charter on April 10.

The Medium is Creating the Message

The Medium is Creating the Message

In traditional media, the role of technology has been largely to convey, distribute, or modify content created by humans. Generative AI, however, is different from any previous technology because it is creating the messages itself.

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