Why Does ChatGPT Matter?

A discussion about ChatGPT: Why does it matter, how special is it, and what might be ahead?

ChatGPT: Why does it matter, how special is it, and what might be ahead?

Why does ChatGPT matter?

  • People always get excited about AI advances and this one is accessible in a way that others weren’t in the past.
  • People can use natural language to prompt a natural language response.
  • It’s seductive because it feels like synthesis.
  • And it can feel serendipitous.


  • We need to remember that ChatGPT and all other generative AI are tools and they can fail us.
  • While it may feel serendipitous, that serendipity is more constrained than it may feel.

Some other ideas we cover:

  • The research at Google, OpenAI, Microsoft, and Apple gives us some context for evaluating how special ChatGPT actually is and what might be ahead.
  • The current craze about prompt engineering.

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Thanks to Jonathan Coulton for our music

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