Facts & Figures about AI and Complex Change

A running catalog of the facts & figures we publish every week in our newsletter.

An abstract image of a spreadsheet

June 30, 2024

  • 76%: Percentage of people trust technology businesses but only 50% trust AI innovations (Edelman)
  • 30%: Percentage of people who embrace AI innovation while 35% reject AI innovation (Edelman)
  • 86%: Percentage of people in the US say data privacy is a growing concern (KPMG)
  • 68%: Percentage of people in the US are concerned about the level of data being collected by businesses (KPMG)
  • 30%: Percentage of people in the US aren’t willing to share their personal data for any reason (KPMG)
  • 33%: Percentage of business leaders in the US say consumers should be concerned about how their personal data is used by their company (KPMG)
  • 62%: Percentage of people in the US are moderately to very concerned about companies using AI (Qualtrics XM Institute)
  • 54%: Percentage of people in the US are concerned about AI companies misusing their personal data (Qualtrics XM Institute)
  • 40%: Percentage of people in the US don’t trust information provided by AI systems (Qualtrics XM Institute)
  • 73%: Percentage of people who are worried that the data brands collect will not benefit them, and instead will only be used to help the brand (Adobe)
  • 81%: Percentage of consumers who say that having choices about how companies use their data is important (Adobe)


June 23, 2024

  • 36%: Percentage of people who are currently happy with the state of customer service. (NICE) 
  • 97%: Percentage of people who experience happiness when they receive good service. (NICE)
  • 78%: Percentage of people who think using digitization and AI in customer service can make them happier. (NICE)
  • 41%: Percentage of people who say the number one benefit of AI is resolving issues faster. (NICE)
  • 36%: Percentage of people who say the number one benefit of AI is not having to repeat themselves. (NICE)
  • 20,000: Number of inference queries per second at Character.ai which it says is "roughly 20% of the request volume served by Google Search." (Character.ai)
  • 59%: Percenage of Gen Zers who believe AI will have a negative impact on society in the next ten years. (National Society of High School Scholars)
  • 43%: Percentage of Gen Z males who believe AI will have a negative impact on society in the next ten years. (National Society of High School Scholars)
  • 73%: Percentage of Gen Z females who believe AI will have a negative impact on society in the next ten years. (National Society of High School Scholars)
  • 55%: Percentage of Gen Zers who believe AI will impact their personal privacy in the next 10 years—including answers Extremely and Very much, not Somewhat, Hardly, or Not at all. (National Society of High School Scholars)
  • 24%: Percentage of Gen Zers who believe AI will take away jobs they are interested in—including answers Extremely and Very much, not Somewhat, Hardly, or Not at all. (National Society of High School Scholars)
  • 51%: Percentage of executives who say their companies are investing in GenAI. (PWC)

Facts & Figures Sources:

June 16, 2024

  • 51%: Percentage of young people (ages 14-22) who have used generative AI at some point. (Common Sense Media
  • 4%: Percentage of young people (ages 14-22) who use generative AI daily. (Common Sense Media
  • 10%: Percentage of white young people (ages 14-22) who use generative AI at least weekly. (Common Sense Media
  • 22%: Percentage of Black young paople (ages 14-22) who use generative AI at least weekly. (Common Sense Media
  • 41%: Percentage of young people (ages 14-22) who believe that generative AI is likely to have both a positive and negative impact on their lives in the next 10 years. (Common Sense Media
  • 17%: Percentage of Cisgender young people (ages 14-22) who believe generative AI will have a mostly negative impact on their lives in the next 10 years. (Common Sense Media
  • 28%: Percentage of LGBTQ+ young people (ages 14-22) who believe generative AI will have a mostly negative impact on their lives in the next 10 years. (Common Sense Media
  • 53%: Percentage of young people (ages 14-22) who use generative AI to get information, of those who have used generative AI at all. (Common Sense Media
  • 51%: Percentage of young people (ages 14-22) who use generative AI to brainstorm ideas, of those who have used generative AI at all. (Common Sense Media
  • 46%: Percentage of young people (ages 14-22) who use generative AI for help with homework, of those who have used generative AI at all. (Common Sense Media
  • 31%: Percentage of young people (ages 14-22) who use generative AI to make pictures or images, of those who have used generative AI at all. (Common Sense Media
  • 70%: Percentage of companies using LLMs which choose open source. (Databricks
  • 53%: Percentage of executives who are concerned people will make decisions using unreliable information from AI. (Asana)
  • 39%: Percentage of monthly generative AI users who report increased productivity. (Asana)
  • 73%: Percentage of weekly generative AI users who report increased productivity. (Asana)
  • 89%: Percentage of daily generative AI users who report increased productivity. (Asana)

June 9, 2024

  • 72%: Percentage of organizations in 2024 that have adopted AI in at least 1 business function, up from 55% in 2023. (McKinsey)
  • 50%: Percentage of organizations in 2024 that have adopted AI in at least 2 or more business functions, up from 31% in 2023. (McKinsey)
  • 65%: Percentage of organizations in 2024 that have adopted generative AI, up from 33% in 2023. (McKinsey)
  • 39%: Percentage of individuals reporting regular use of generative AI for work. (McKinsey)

  • 34%: Percentage of organizations reporting regular use of generative AI in marketing and sales. (McKinsey)
  • 37%: Percentage of organizations reporting a cost decrease of more than 10% from generative AI adoption in marketing & sales. (McKinsey)
  • 53%: Percentage of organizations reporting an increase of revenue of more than 5% from generative AI adoption in marketing & sales. (McKinsey)

  • 17%: Percentage of organizations reporting regular use of generative AI in IT. (McKinsey)
  • 42%: Percentage of organizations reporting a cost decrease of more than 10% from generative AI adoption in IT. (McKinsey)
  • 56%: Percentage of organizations reporting an increase of revenue of more than 5% from generative AI adoption in IT. (McKinsey)

  • 17%: Percentage of organizations reporting regular use of generative AI in services operations. (McKinsey)
  • 45%: Percentage of organizations reporting a cost decrease of more than 10% from generative AI adoption in services operations. (McKinsey)
  • 45%: Percentage of organizations reporting an increase of revenue of more than 5% from generative AI adoption in services operations. (McKinsey)

  • 12%: Percentage of organizations reporting regular use of generative AI in human resources. (McKinsey)
  • 50%: Percentage of organizations reporting a cost decrease of more than 10% from generative AI adoption in human resources. (McKinsey)
  • 33%: Percentage of organizations reporting an increase of revenue of more than 5% from generative AI adoption in human resources. (McKinsey)

  • 20%: Percentage of companies which spend more than 10% of their digital budgets on generative AI. (McKinsey)
  • 37%: Percentage of technology companies which spend more than 10% of their digital budgets on generative AI. (McKinsey)
  • 33%: Percentage of energy and materials companies which spend more than 10% of their digital budgets on generative AI. (McKinsey)
  • 15%: Percentage of financial services companies which spend more than 10% of their digital budgets on generative AI. (McKinsey)
  • 17%: Percentage of media & telecommunications companies which spend more than 10% of their digital budgets on generative AI. (McKinsey)
  • 12%: Percentage of consumer goods & retail companies which spend more than 10% of their digital budgets on generative AI. (McKinsey)

June 2, 2024

  • 53%: Percentage of people in the USA who have heard of OpenAI ChatGPT. (Reuters)
  • 24%: Percentage of people in the USA who have heard of Google Gemini. (Reuters)
  • 22%: Percentage of people in the USA who have heard of Microsoft CoPilot. (Reuters)
  • 7%: Percentage of people in the USA who have heard of Midjourney. (Reuters)
  • 5%: Percentage of people in the USA who have heard of Anthropic Claude. (Reuters)
  • 19%: Percentage of people in the USA who have not heard of any generative AI tool. (Reuters)
  • 7%: Percentage of people in the USA who use OpenAI ChatGPT daily. (Reuters)
  • 11%: Percentage of people in the USA who use OpenAI ChatGPT weekly. (Reuters)
  • 20%: Percentage of people in the USA who never use OpenAI ChatGPT. (Reuters)
  • 35%: Percentage of people in the USA who have used generative AI in their private lives. (Reuters)
  • 28%: Percentage of people in the USA who have used generative AI at work. (Reuters)
  • 58%: Percentage of people in six countries (Argentina, Denmark, France, Japan, UK, USA) who are comfortable with news being written entirely by a human journalist. (Reuters)
  • 14%: Percentage of people in six countries (Argentina, Denmark, France, Japan, UK, USA) who are comfortable with news being written entirely by an AI. (Reuters)
  • 17.5%: Percentage of computer science payments that have at least some content drafted by AI. (Stanford)
  • 16.9%: Percentage of peer review text that has at least some content drafted by AI. (Stanford)
  • 24%: Percentage of HR departments have have not been at all involved in conversations about adopting AI technology. (Brightmine)
  • 20%: Percetage of HR employees who have received AI training of any kind. (Brightmine)
  • 4%: Percentage of US electricity generation consumed by data centers today. (EPRI)
  • 4.6%-9.1%: Percentage of US Electricity generation estimated to be consumed by data centers in 2030. (EPRI)

May 26, 2024

  • 22%: Percentage increase in app revenue for OpenAI on the day of the GPT-4o launch—GPT-4o is free, except on mobile. (AppFigures)
  • $50,000,000: Annual licencing payment expected from OpenAI to News Corp for the next five years for content from the Wall Street Journal, Barron's, Marketwatch, the New York Post, etc. (Wall Street Journal)
  • $10,000,000: Annual licencing payment expected from OpenAI to Axel Springer for the next three years. (Wall Street Journal)
  • $5,000,000-$10,000,000: Annual licensing payment expected from OpenAI to the FT for an unknown number of years. (Wall Street Journal)
  • 262%: Percentage increase in NVIDIA's quarterly revenue, as compared to the prior year quarter. (NVIDIA)
  • 40%: Percentage of NVIDIA's data center revenue attributable to inference—aka prompt & response. (SeekingAlpha)
  • 54%: Percentage of male applications with an 'AI in business' course credit who received an interview invitation from a job application in the UK. (Anglia Ruskin University)
  • 28%: Percentage of male applications without an 'AI in business' course credit who received an interview invitation from a job application in the UK. (Anglia Ruskin University)
  • 54%: Percentage of male applications with an 'AI in business' course credit who received an interview invitation from a job application in the UK. (Anglia Ruskin University)
  • 32%: Percentage of male applications without an 'AI in business' course credit who received an interview invitation from a job application in the UK. (Anglia Ruskin University)
  • 24%: Wage premium for jobs that require AI specialist skills in some markets. (PWC)
  • 3.5x: Multiple by which jobs that require specialist AI skills have grown faster than all jobs since 2012. (PWC)
  • 4.8x: Multiple by which labor productivity has grown in AI-exposed sectors versus other sectors. (PWC)
  • 27%: Percentage by which jobs are growing more slowly in AI-exposed occupations. (PWC)
  • 200%: Percentage reduction in false positives during the detection of fraudulant transactions against potentially compromised cards by Mastercard. (Mastercard)
  • 300%: Percentage increase of the speed of identifying merchants at-risk from—or compromised by—fraudsters by Mastercard. (Mastercard)
  • $14,000,000,000: Worldwide revenue from generative AI in 2020. (Bloomberg via World Economic Forum)
  • $1,304,000,000,000: Estimated worldwide revenue from generative AI in 2032. (Bloomberg via World Economic Forum)
  • 25%: Percentage of webpages from 2013 to 2023 are no longer acessible. (Pew Research)
  • 38%: Percentage of webpages from 2013 that are no longer accessible. (Pew Research)

May 19, 2024

  • 100,000,000: Number of ChatGPT users in February 2023. (OpenAI)
  • 100,000,000+: Number of ChatGPT users in May 2024. (OpenAI)
  • 50%: Percentage of all global venture funding in 2023 for AI-related startups that went to companies headquartered in the Bay Area. (Crunchbase)
  • 17%: Percentage of global venture rounds in 2023 for AI-related startups that went to companies headquartered in the Bay Area. (Crunchbase)
  • 500,000: The square feet of office space closed on by OpenAI in San Francisco's Mission Bay district. (Crunchbase)
  • 230,000: The square feet of office space closed on by Anthropic in San Francisco's Financial District. (Crunchbase)
  • 50%: Percentage of companies in Y Combinator's 2024 cohort that is "building around AI in one form or another." (Y Combinator)
  • 35%: Percentage of Gen Z that say they wish they could stop using social media. (EY Generational Dynamics Lab) 
  • 66%: Percentage of people whom Gen Z say can't be trusted. (EY Generational Dynamics Lab
  • 34%: Percentage of Gen Z who say large business can be trusted. (EY Generational Dynamics Lab
  • 34%: Percentage of Gen Z who say the federal government can be trusted. (EY Generational Dynamics Lab
  • 41%: Percentage of Gen Z who say state governments can be trusted. (EY Generational Dynamics Lab
  • 47%: Percentage of Gen Z who say local governments can be trusted. (EY Generational Dynamics Lab
  • 71%: Percentage of Gen Z who say small businesses can be trusted. (EY Generational Dynamics Lab)

May 12, 2024

  • 75%: Percentage of people already using AI at work. (Microsoft)
  • 46%: Percentage of people already using AI at work who started using it less than 6 months ago. (Microsoft)
  • 90%: Percentage of AI users who say AI helps them save time. (Microsoft)
  • 85%: Percentage of AI users who say AI helps them focus on their most important work. (Microsoft)
  • 84%: Percentage of AI users who say AI helps them be more creative. (Microsoft)
  • 83%: Percentage of AI users who say AI helps them enjoy their work more. (Microsoft)
  • 78%: Percentage of AI users who bring their own AI tools to work. (Microsoft)
  • 52%: Percentage of AI users at work who are reluctant to admit to using it for their most important tasks. (Microsoft)
  • 53%: Percentage of of AI users at work who worry that using it on important work tasks makes them look replaceable. (Microsoft)
  • 79%: Percentage of leaders who agree their company needs to adopt AI to stay competitive. (Microsoft)
  • 59%: Percentage of leaders who worry about quantifying the productivity gains of AI. (Microsoft)
  • 60%: Percentage of leaders who worry their organization's leadership lacks a plan and vision to implement AI. (Microsoft)
  • 66%: Percentage of leaders who say they would not hire someone without AI skills. (Microsoft)
  • 71%: Percentage of leaders who say they'd rather hire a less experienced candidate with AI skills than a more experienced candidate without them. (Microsoft)
  • 77%: Percentage of customers who expect to interact with someone immediately when they contact a company. (Salesforce)
  • 47%: Percentage of customers who are willing to pay extra for better customer service. (Salesforce)
  • 88%: Percentage of customers who say good customer service makes them more likely to purchase again. (Salesforce)
  • 53%: Percentage of customers who say generative AI will help companies better serve customers. (Salesforce)
  • 84%: Percentage of IT professionals who say generative AI will help companies better serve customers. (Salesforce)
  • 53%: Percentage of sales professionals who say generative AI will help companies better serve customers. (Salesforce)
  • 89%: Percentage of customers who say it's important to know when they are communicating with AI or a human. (Salesforce)
  • 80%: Percentage of customers who say it's important for a human to validate the output of AI. (Salesforce)
  • 37%: Percentage of customers who trust AI to be as accurate as a human. (Salesforce)

May 4, 2024

  • 47%: Percentage of CEOs who say that investing in technology, including AI, to improve growth and productivity is a top priority in the next 12 months. (EY)
  • 45%: Percentage of CEOs who say that enhancing data management and cybersecurity is a top priority in the next 12 months. (EY)
  • 15%: Percentage of CEOs who say investing in their employees through training and re-skilling is a top priority in the next 12 months. (EY)
  • 30%-32%: Percentage of CEOs who say investing in technology, AI, and data without also training and re-skilling people is a top priority in the next 12 months. (EY and Artificiality)
  • 78%: The percentage of hiring managers who say their company will lay off recent graduates due to AI use. (Intelligent.com)
  • 69%: The percentage of hiring managers who believe that AI can do the work of a recent college grad. (Intelligent.com)
  • 57%: Percentage of people who believe companies are adding AI assistants to customer service in order to cut costs, not improve service. (Callvu).

April 28, 2024

  • 20%: The percentage of revenue BCG says will come from AI consulting in 2024. FT
  • 40%: The percentage of revenue BCG say swill come from AI consulting in 2026. FT
  • $220,000,000: The Netherlands' pledge towards developing responsible and ethical AI systems. TechReport
  • $1,800,000,000: Canada's recente investement in the country's AI sector (in USD). Reuters
  • $1,500,000,000: Microsoft's investment in UAE-based G4w. Microsoft
  • $100,000,000,000: The planned cost of Stargate, the data center partnership of Microsoft and OpenAI. Reuters
  • 150: The number of AI pilots at the US General Services Administration. FedScoop
  • 132: The number of different generative AI tools and technologies being used by the US General Services Administration. FedScoop
  • 72%: The percentage of students who say they would like some help from adults in learning how to use different tools. AutomatED
  • 51%: The percentage of students who use AI on a weekly basis. AutomatED
  • 8%: The percentage of students who feel confident in their knowledge of AI. AutomatED

April 21, 2024

  • 59%: The growth in the number of GitHub AI projects from 2022 to 2023. (Stanford
  • 63%: The growth in the number of AI patents granted from 2021 to 2022. (Stanford)
  • $78,000,000: The estimated cost to train OpenAI GPT-4. (Stanford)
  • $191,000,000: The estimated cost to train Google Gemini Ultra. (Stanford)
  • 34%: The percentage of European organizations which identified fairness risks as relevant to their AI adoption strategies. (Stanford)
  • 20%: The percentage of North American organizations which identified fairness risks as relevant to their AI adoption strategies. (Stanford)
  • $400: The cost to create Countercloud—an experiment with a fully automated, agentic AI system for creating disinformation including sourcing content, writing counter content, and posting comments and social to support the counter content. (Countercloud)
  • 79%: The percentage of Fortune 500 companies which mentioned AI in earnings calls in 2023, up from 53% in 2022. (Stanford)
  • 1,812: The number of newly funded AI companies funded in 2023. (Stanford)
  • 129: The number of AI-related medical devices approved by the FDA in 2022, up 12% since 2021. (Stanford)
  • 80%+: The percentage of enterprise data is inaccessible because it’s trapped in unstructured file formats or document stores like your email inbox. (Menlo Ventures)
  • 42: ChatGPT confirms! The answer IS 42!

April 14, 2024

  • 68%: The percentage of research study participants who chose to submit ChatGPT writing without editing. (MIT)
  • $1: The high end of the range paid by big tech platforms per image to train generative AI models. (Reuters)
  • 90%: Percentage of generative AI cloud unicorns that are Google Cloud customers. (Google)
  • 1,000,000: Number of tokens supported in the Gemini 1.5 Pro context window. (Google)
  • 1: Number of hours video supported in the Gemini 1.5 Pro context window. (Google)
  • 11: Number of hours of audio supported in the Gemini 1.5 Pro context window. (Google)
  • 30,000: Number of lines of code supported in the Gemini 1.5 Pro context window. (Google)
  • 700,000: Number of words supported in the Gemini 1.5 Pro context window.(Google)
  • 3,000,000,000: Number of Google Workspace users. (Google)
  • 10,000,000: Numbrer of paying Google Workspace customers. (Google)
  • 70%: Percentage of enterprise users who use generative AI suggestions after selecting “Help me write” in Google Docs or Gmail. (Google)
  • 75%: Percentage of enterprise users who insert generative AI created slides into presentations after asking AI to create them in Google Slides. (Google)
  • 69: Number of languages supported for translation in Google AI Meetings and Messaging Add-ons. (Google)
  • $11,000,000: Stability AI’s projected revenue in 2023. (Deeplearning.ai)
  • $153,000,000: Stability AI’s projected costs in 2023. (Deeplearning.ai)
  • $99,000,000: Stability AI’s cloud costs with Amazon Web Services, Google, and CoreWeave. (Deeplearning.ai)

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