Shannon Vallor: The AI Mirror

A conversation with Shannon Vallor, professor of ethics and technology at the University of Edinburgh, and the author of The AI Mirror.

Shannon Vallor: The AI Mirror

We're excited to welcome to the podcast Shannon Vallor, professor of ethics and technology at the University of Edinburgh, and the author of The AI Mirror.

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In her book, Shannon invites us to rethink AI—not as a futuristic force propelling us forward, but as a reflection of our past, capturing both our human triumphs and flaws in ways that shape our present reality.

In The AI Mirror, Shannon uses the powerful metaphor of a mirror to illustrate the nature of AI. She argues that AI doesn’t represent a new intelligence; rather, it reflects human cognition in all its complexity, limitations, and distortions. Like a mirror, AI is backward-looking, constrained by the data we’ve already provided it. It amplifies our biases and misunderstandings, giving us back a shallow, albeit impressive, reflection of our intelligence.

We think this is one of the best books on AI for a general audience that has been published this year. Shannon’s mirror metaphor does more than just critique AI—it reassures. By casting AI as a reflection rather than an independent force, she validates a crucial distinction: AI may be an impressive tool, but it’s still just that—a mirror of our past. Humanity, Shannon suggests, remains something separate, capable of innovation and growth beyond the confines of what these systems can reflect. This insight offers a refreshing confidence amidst the usual AI anxieties: the real power, and responsibility, remains with us.

Let’s dive into our conversation with Shannon Vallor

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Thanks to Jonathan Coulton for our music

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